Once one is able to get over the initial idea of needles being inserted into the skin, they are then open to the countless possibilities of treatments that acupuncture presents. Used in ancient Chinese medicine for thousands of years, acupuncture has erupted on the western medicine scene over the last coupe of decades.
Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles in certain points of the body to help stimulate responses that are beneficial to the patient. Through acupuncture, anything from weight control, chronic pain, to permanently quitting smoking is possible.
One such symptom that may be controlled through acupuncture is migraine headaches. For those who have never experienced a migraine headache, the symptoms of one may not seem to be as serious as they can be for those who have suffered through one.
Migraine headaches are commonly associated with a pulsating pain in the temporal region of the head, which is often times accompanied by nausea, vomiting, as well as a heightened sensitivity to bright lights. One can see how symptoms such as these can prove to be quite debilitating, especially in a work environment.
Pain medications can offer some relief from migraine headaches, but due to the likelihood of frequent reoccurrences, the use of these medications can sometimes be harmful to the body over an extended period of time. Because of this, some have sought after a more holistic method to relieve or alleviate migraine headaches.
As is the case with countless other ailments, acupuncture has been shown to help reduce, not only the severity, but also the frequency of migraine headaches. Through the use of inserting needles into key areas of the body, acupuncture is able to generate a response from the body.
In the case of migraine headaches, a deficiency in the amount of serotonin flowing in the body may be directly linked to migraine headaches and their occurrences. By using needles, an acupuncturist can locate the area which stimulates the levels of serotonin in your body, oftentimes resulting in either reduced severity and/or frequency of migraine headaches.
Similar to other medications and treatments, patients may experience differing results from other patients who utilize acupuncture for similar ailments. The frequency of treatment may be one such reason for this. Receiving treatments more regularly may produce better results.
It is not recommended to drop one treatment that works for the prospect of another that may work. The great thing about acupuncture is that no side-effects are likely when used along with medication. Consulting a physician is always suggested before undergoing any new treatments.
Other practices, like controlling stress levels, as well as exercise and diet, can help with migraine headaches as well. Since most HMOs now cover at least part of acupuncture treatments, pairing that along with healthy practices and use of prescribed medication, migraine headaches do not have to be as big a disturbance to daily life as they once were.
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